News - Baywater Properties

Abilis Celebrates Grand Opening of The Cohen Abilis Advancement Center in Stamford

Abilis, the nonprofit organization providing services and support to more than 800 individuals with disabilities and their families throughout Fairfield County, is excited to announce the grand opening of The Cohen Abilis Advancement Center at 78 Harvard Avenue in Stamford. The Center was officially opened on January 30th with a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring Alex Cohen,…Read Complete Text

Consulting Firm McKinsey & Co. Plans to relocate its CT offices from Stamford to Darien

Global management-consulting firm McKinsey & Co. announced this week a plan to relocate its lone offices in Connecticut, which are located in the south end of Stamford, to a new mixed-use development in downtown Darien. McKinsey has signed a lease for about 12,000 square feet at 1 Market St., an under-construction building in The Corbin District that is expected to be…Read Complete Text

Barings and Counterpointe SRE Provide $165 million in Construction Financing for The Corbin District – Phase II

Barings, one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, announced today that it has provided a $102 million construction loan alongside $63.3 million in C-PACE financing from Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate for the development of The Corbin District – Phase II in Darien, Connecticut. Baywater Properties, which completed Phase I of the project…Read Complete Text

Bankers Sick of NYC Commute Are Fueling Boom in a Mini Greenwich

  Sleepy Darien is expanding its downtown to accommodate more offices for people looking to stay close to home.   By Nacha Cattan and Katia Porzecanski   (Bloomberg) — Darien is a postage stamp of a little town. The richest in all of Connecticut’s Gold Coast, it’s packed densely with multimillion-dollar homes and is an…Read Complete Text

Abilis Receives $3.78 Million Grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation for The Cohen Abilis Advancement Center in Stamford

New Center at 78 Harvard Avenue in Stamford to Support Abilis’ Growing Population, Programs and Services for Individuals with Disabilities throughout Fairfield County STAMFORD, Conn., Feb. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Abilis, the nonprofit organization providing services and support to more than 800 individuals with disabilities and their families, is thrilled to announce a $3.78 million grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation. The…Read Complete Text

7 Construction Projects in the Stamford/Greenwich Area to Watch in 2023: ‘It all will be worth it’

Construction is booming in Greenwich, Stamford and the surrounding areas. It’s not just apartment buildings either. Big projects are underway — many with completion dates earmarked for 2023 — that can mean more dollars in city and town coffers. “We have had a significant continued development in the city which has allowed us to have…Read Complete Text

Darien YMCA Partners With Abilis to Bring Vocational Training to Adults With Disabilities

DARIEN — A new collaboration with the Darien YMCA marks the latest venture in town for Abilis, a Greenwich-based nonprofit that provides job opportunities and training for young adults with developmental disabilities in Fairfield County. A local version of Project SEARCH was launched in January. Now, four interns in the program are stationed at the…Read Complete Text

Baywater Properties Opens a New Chapter: Describes Staff Expansion, Plans Groundbreaking Ceremony Monday

Days before the Monday groundbreaking ceremony for The Corbin District redevelopment downtown, Baywater Properties on Saturday formally announced the expansion and reallocation of members of its business’ staff as a result of the project. The Baywater team now includes Kate Perez and Marysa Fiorita, who will directly work on The Corbin Project, as well as…Read Complete Text

Crepe Shop Approved for Downtown Darien

Visitors sample food at Crepes Choupette, a kiosk-like eatery on the Broadway Island at the Broadway Shopping District in New Haven after ribbon cutting in 2018 that officially opened the new business. DARIEN — A new eatery in town just got the green light and is bringing in some French cuisine. The Planning and Zoning…Read Complete Text

‘We’re still here’: Business as Usual for Darien Shops as Downtown Transformation Begins

Work is beginning on the first phase of the Corbin redevelopment project. Developers have spent years working to make sure all the businesses in the Corbin district will remain open, finding each new locations for when their specific building is to be rebuilt. DARIEN — Downtown Darien’s transformative project, the Corbin District project, is finally…Read Complete Text

French Eatery From New Haven Eyes Downtown Darien Space

New Haven, Connecticut – Thursday, February 1, 2018: Visitors sample food at Crepes Choupette, a kiosk-like eatery on the Broadway Island at the Broadway Shopping District in New Haven. Plans are before the Darien Planning and Zoning Commission for Crepes Choupette opening a location in downtown Darien.Peter Hvizdak / Hearst Connecticut Media DARIEN — Adil…Read Complete Text

Darien Welcomes Playa Bowls to Downtown

DARIEN — A fresh food alternative appears to have found a happy home in Darien. A new franchise of Playa Bowls opened at 1029 Boston Post Road this weekend. Given the long lines of happy customers, it appears it’ll be a healthy success. The restaurant offers fresh juices, smoothies and a variety of “bowls” based…Read Complete Text

Darien Experiences Growth in New Business for 2018

From restaurants to fitness studios to clothing shops to everything in between, Darien has seen an increase in new business in 2018, according to Susan Cator, president and executive director of the Darien Chamber of Commerce. “In the past year, there has been new commercial development that has brought in new business, which has stimulated…Read Complete Text

Baywater Proposes Affordable Housing for Disabled Adults in Conjunction with Corbin Project

As a part of its obligations to local zoning, Baywater Properties must provide at least a dozen affordable apartments in conjunction with its downtown redevelopment, the Corbin Project. However, rather than setting aside units in the project’s site area between Post Road and Corbin Drive, Baywater is proposing a separate assisted living facility for adults…Read Complete Text

Downtown Redevelopment Project Makes Progress

DARIEN — The redevelopment of downtown Darien is a step closer to becoming reality. If approved by zoning, the Corbin Project will increase office space downtown from 45,961 to 81,200 square feet, while retail space would increase from 52,279 to 81,730 square feet. After an attorney for developer Baywater Properties recited a long list of…Read Complete Text

Planning & Zoning Begins Review of the Corbin Project, a Proposed Redevelopment of Downtown Darien

Darien’s Planning & Zoning Commission has begun its review of the Corbin Project, a mixed-use redevelopment of downtown Darien proposed by local developer Baywater Properties. The project aims to transform downtown Darien into a pedestrian-friendly community with a vibrant blend of restaurants, shopping destinations and social spaces. In early 2017 the commission approved zoning regulations…Read Complete Text

Baywater Unveils New Site Plan for Downtown Corbin Project

After spending roughly a year working to redesign the Corbin Project, Baywater Properties has revealed a full site plan for the downtown redevelopment venture. Baywater Principal David Genovese first introduced the redesigned project with Beinfield Architecture in December, but with the site plan now complete, local residents and town leaders will soon have an opportunity…Read Complete Text

Genovese Receives Connecticut Main Street Founder’s Award

  The Connecticut Main Street Center  Founder’s Award is presented in recognition of individuals and organizations who dedicate themselves to promoting an awareness of the necessity of a comprehensive management approach to the revitalization of Connecticut’s historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. The award is sponsored by Eversource. CT Main Street Center and Eversource recognize…Read Complete Text

Corbin Project: Discussions Continue Over Redesign

Baywater Properties and Principal David Genovese have been working for years to ensure that their planned redevelopment of downtown Darien is a project that both modernizes the design and aesthetics of the town’s central business district and also looks towards the future needs of the community. The Corbin Project, which has adopted the name “Your…Read Complete Text

Corbin Project Reveals New Design for Downtown Redevelopment

Local developer Baywater Properties has revealed a new design for the Corbin Project, a proposed redevelopment for downtown Darien spanning 11 acres of property from the Bank of America on Post Road to the Darien Post Office on Corbin Drive. The project, which has adopted the moniker “Your Downtown Darien,” would transform the existing properties…Read Complete Text

New Plan for Corbin/Post Project: Less High, Less Deep, Less Large, Yet With Bigger Footprint

The big downtown redevelopment proposal for Corbin Drive and the Post Road, with its huge underground parking garage, some high buildings and a showcase “Village Green” park in the center of town, is being scrapped by the developer. The new proposal, being presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday night: Much more above-ground…Read Complete Text

Downtown Darien Redevelopment Plans Return

DARIEN — In an entreaty for forward-thinking on downtown redevelopment, Jon Zagrodsky asked the town to take a look into the past. Rather than focus on established issues like height of buildings and density, Zagrodsky — speaking in a private capacity and not on behalf of the Board of Finance, of which he is chairman,…Read Complete Text

Top 10 Stories of 2016: #1 —Downtown Development Takes Center Stage

A rendering of Baywater’s downtown proposal, offering a view looking south on Boston Post Road. For Darien’s Planning & Zoning Commission, 2016 was a year focused on looking towards the future. The commission was asked to consider major zoning changes in two of the town’s core business areas and updated a new town plan, mapping…Read Complete Text

Darien Shake Shack on Pace for December Opening

DARIEN — Shake Shack is inching toward its Darien debut. After months of back-and-forth regarding signage, Shake Shack was officially approved in July and, according to David Genovese of Baywater Properties, could be on pace to open in December at 1340 Post Road, the site of the former Chuck’s Steak House. “We are cranking on…Read Complete Text

Letter: Darien Chamber supports Corbin Drive project

To the Editor: In the last 10-plus years Darien has become more vibrant, and many exciting new merchants and restaurants have opened in downtown Darien.  Grove Street Plaza, envisioned and built by Penny Glassmeyer, has become a wonderful center in town for concerts, arts fairs, and gatherings.  1020 Post is an elegant building built by…Read Complete Text

Strong Support for Downtown Darien Development Project

A developer hopes to reinvigorate downtown and is seeking zoning changes to do so. Darien, CT     DARIEN, CT- A large crowd turned out Tuesday to the Planning and Zoning meeting to discuss proposed zoning changes to downtown. Baywater Properties is seeking a zoning change that would allow buildings up to six stories, according…Read Complete Text

Dozens Show Support for Downtown Zoning Changes

A rendering of the development project looking east on Corbin Drive Darien’s Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding Baywater Properties downtown redevelopment project on Tuesday night, inviting the public to comment on proposed zone changes. A large crowd turned out to discuss the project, with dozens donning baseball caps provided by Baywater…Read Complete Text

Business Owners Give Support for Downtown Redevelopment Plan, Say Darien Needs to Compete

Some of the support for the massive downtown Darien redevelopment proposal between Corbin Drive, the Post Road and the highway is coming from businesspeople who worry that the downtown businesses district, for whatever reason, may be losing its competitive edge. BEFORE (currently): Where the half-acre “Market Green” would go in the Corbin/Post Road proposed redevelopment. (picture…Read Complete Text

Baywater Details Downtown Darien Redevelopment

  A rendering of Baywater’s downtown proposal, offering a view looking south on Boston Post Road. Baywater Properties has big plans in place for downtown Darien, and the developer has begun seeking the necessary approvals to make its proposal for redevelopment a reality. The project focuses on the area between the Bank of America building…Read Complete Text

Presentation of Baywater/PG Properties Downtown Development Plan on April 6

On Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 7 p.m, David Genovese, founder of Baywater Properties, will present to the public an overview of the downtown Darien redevelopment project proposed by Baywater Properties and its partner, PG Properties. A full presentation of the project will be given to attendees, with significant time available for questions and comments….Read Complete Text

Shake Shack Presents Application for Darien Location

Shake Shack is now one step closer to opening in Darien after formally filing applications with the Planning & Zoning Commission, Architectural Review Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. The restaurant would be built at the former location of Chuck’s Steak House at 1340 Post Road. Baywater Properties is the current owner of that site…Read Complete Text

Baywater Previews Special Needs Housing Facility for Adults

Baywater Properties is planning to create housing for adults with special needs in conjunction with its downtown development project. Based on an informal presentation delivered at the Jan. 5 Planning & Zoning meeting, the two building facility would be located at 26 East Lane, off of Old Kings Highway North. According to Baywater founder David…Read Complete Text

Developer Peddles Downtown Bike Study

The developer who wants to transform the Post Road area near Corbin Drive with a mixed-use development wants the town to back a preliminary evaluation of ways to make bicycling and walking downtown safer. David Genovese of Baywater Properties appeared before the Board of Selectmen Monday night to ask the town to partially fund hiring…Read Complete Text

Shake Shack Coming to Darien?

Darien may soon be home to a new Shake Shack, a modern fast-food chain founded in New York City. The town’s Planning & Zoning Commission heard an informal discussion regarding the re-development and aesthetics of the proposed restaurant.

New vision for downtown Darien — Baywater presents preliminary plans for re-development

Preliminary plans for major re-development of downtown Darien were unveiled before a special joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Architectural Review Board Tuesday night. Helmed by Baywater Properties founder David Genovese, the project aims to transform the area of Corbin Drive and Boston Post Road into a new mixed-use development with a…Read Complete Text

Baywater Properties Buys Stamford Office Building

Darien-based Baywater Properties and an affiliate of True North Management Group of White Plains, New York have acquired the property at 2777 Summer Street in Stamford. The 110,000-square-foot commercial office building is comprised of seven floors and includes on-site security, 24/7 key-card access, covered parking, shuttle service to the Stamford Transportation Center and a deli/café…Read Complete Text

Darien’s Baywater Leases Rye Property

Baywater TN 411 Theodore Fremd, LLC, a joint venture between Baywater Properties of Darien, True North Management Group of White Plains, New York, and WillKen Investments of Rye, New York announced today the completion of leasing of 411 Theodore Fremd Avenue in Rye, New York. After acquiring 411 Theodore Fremd Avenue in Rye in July…Read Complete Text

Developer shares vision of future downtown projects with DCA

David Genovese, the man behind several of the revitalization projects in downtown Darien over the past 15 years, shared his vision for the next phase in the town’s makeover to a sold out luncheon at the Darien Community Association on Tuesday. The next big project for Genovese and his business partner Penny Glassmeyer is a…Read Complete Text