Local developer Baywater Properties has revealed a new design for the Corbin Project, a proposed redevelopment for downtown Darien spanning 11 acres of property from the Bank of America on Post Road to the Darien Post Office on Corbin Drive. The project, which has adopted the moniker “Your Downtown Darien,” would transform the existing properties…Read Complete Text
2017 - Baywater Properties
New Plan for Corbin/Post Project: Less High, Less Deep, Less Large, Yet With Bigger Footprint
The big downtown redevelopment proposal for Corbin Drive and the Post Road, with its huge underground parking garage, some high buildings and a showcase “Village Green” park in the center of town, is being scrapped by the developer. The new proposal, being presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday night: Much more above-ground…Read Complete Text
Rising Signs for Commercial Office Sales in Fairfield County
Following several years of moribund activity, commercial office sales in Fairfield County look to be on the rise. Several notable deals have closed this year and brokers are viewing 2018 with optimism. “You never want to be too bullish,” said Kevin Welsh, an executive managing director at Newmark Knight Frank in Stamford. “But I think…Read Complete Text
225 High Ridge Road in Stamford Sold For $22.5M
TNREF III High Ridge LLC, a joint venture between Darien-based Baywater Properties and an investment fund managed by True North Management Group LLC of White Plains, has bought 225 High Ridge Road in Stamford for $22.5 million. The property is an 81 percent leased, 244,104-square-foot Class A office building on the northern border of the Stamford…Read Complete Text
Downtown Darien Development Makes Strides, Receives First Planning and Zoning Approval
DARIEN — For the developer who proposed a bold new redevelopment for downtown Darien, the second time in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission was the charm. “We are very encouraged by the response of P&Z to our recent application for a text amendment and we believe that the adjustments made will work overall,”…Read Complete Text
Come And Get It: Shake Shack Dishes Up Burgers At New Location In Darien
Kristen Geisler gets takeout from the new Darien Shake Shack. Photo Credit: Sandra Diamond Fox Shake Shack opens in Darien. Photo Credit: Sandra Diamond Fox Shake Shack’s newest location is at 1340 Post Road in Darien. Photo Credit: Sandra Diamond Fox Shake Shack’s cheeseburger Photo Credit: Shake Shack website Custard and desserts from Shake…Read Complete Text
Downtown Darien Redevelopment Plans Return
DARIEN — In an entreaty for forward-thinking on downtown redevelopment, Jon Zagrodsky asked the town to take a look into the past. Rather than focus on established issues like height of buildings and density, Zagrodsky — speaking in a private capacity and not on behalf of the Board of Finance, of which he is chairman,…Read Complete Text
Top 10 Stories of 2016: #1 —Downtown Development Takes Center Stage
A rendering of Baywater’s downtown proposal, offering a view looking south on Boston Post Road. For Darien’s Planning & Zoning Commission, 2016 was a year focused on looking towards the future. The commission was asked to consider major zoning changes in two of the town’s core business areas and updated a new town plan, mapping…Read Complete Text